Thai and Indochinese political history, East Asia international relations history
Phd. (International Studies)
University of Caen (France)
Master of Arts (Japanese Studies)
University of Caen (France)
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
University of Rouen (France)
Key Success Factors of Starbucks Coffee in South Korea
-“The origins of the Cold War in Southeast Asia: Pre-Second World War Siamese cooperation with foreign powers against communism”, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (52-4), Cambridge University Press. 2022
- “‘Bad Luck for the Chinese’: France and the Transit of War Material to China during the Sino- Japanese War (1937-1939)”, Manusya: Journal of Humanities (25), Brill ed. 2022
-“The Thais in Exile: Repression, exile and emergence of the guerilla movement in the Northeast of Thailand (1960-1965)”, Asian Review, n° 34. 2021
- “The Thai neutrality from the late 1930s to the Japanese invasion” (in French), Péninsule, n° 76. 2018