Political communication and election campaign on social media in Thailand, Labour mobility and foreign direct investment in Vietnam
02 218 7289
Ph.D., School of Modern Languages and Cultures
University of Nottingham, Malaysia campus
M.A. in International Communication Studies
University of Nottingham, China campus
BSc (Hons) Accounting for Management
Aston University (Aston Business School), Birmingham, United Kingdom
Project: “Social Media and the 2019 General Election campaign”
2018 - 2020
Project: “Knowledge Management and Development to increase Understanding, Awareness and Participation in the Energy Regulatory”
2019 - 2020
Project: “Labour mobility in Vietnam”
2017 - 2019
Project: “Elite and labour in Southeast Asia: structural elements and dynamics in the transitional period”
2017 - 2019
Project “Socio-political of doing business in Myanmar and Vietnam”
2017 - 2018
“Uses of social networking sites as a development of political communication and election campaigns in Thailand” In Multicultural ASEAN: Diversity in Identity,2018
Language, Memory and Media (eds.) Morakot Meyer and Zhu Tingshu. Multicultural ASEAN Center Project, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University, pp. 65-90.
“Challenges of using social media in the 2013 Bangkok Governor election campaign” In Catching Up: Southeast Asian New Body –States, Markets and Public Spheres (eds) Sunait Chutintaranond, Ukrist Pathmanand and Vinissa Ujjin, pp. 435-453.2555 “Initial stage of a study on Facebook’s impact on an election campaign in Thailand”. In Interdisciplinary Discourses in Language and Communication (eds.) West A, Getkham K, Singhakowinta J, pp. 299-308.
Initial stage of how Thai people use Facebook for political communication? (Agenda setting and framing theory), presented at Asian. 2012
Congress for Media and Communication, Bangkok, 25-27 October 2012, Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Red Shirt versus Yellow Shirt: The effect of social movement in contemporary Thai Politics, presented at the Early Careers Research Network (ECRN) Brown Bag seminar, University of Nottingham, Malaysia campus. 2012