Vol. 33 No. 2 (2020): July – December 2020 | ASIAN REVIEW (tci-thaijo.org)
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Asian Review 2020 vol. 33 No. 2
บรรณาธิการโดย Jirayudh Sinthuphan
IntroductionJirayudh SinthuphanThis issue of the Asian Review provides readers with three very interesting articles about aspects of public administration in China, Thailand and Indonesia. Siriporn DABPHET calls our attention to the timely issue of the Muslim Uyghurs of Xinjiang province and the role of the Chinese government in managing conflict in the province. Her article provides an historical account of the conflict and the development of the Chinese policy towards the province. It praises the Chinese govern-ment’s attempt to incorporate cultural reconciliation and inclusive economic development in its conflict management, and yet observes that its ruthless crackdown measures and human rights abuses may pose a major obstacle to peace in the region.Next, Kanrawee WICHAIPA takes on the issue of disaster management of local administrative organizations in Thailand. Her article focuses on developing disaster management competency and indicators for its disaster prevention and mitigation for staff. It proposes that hazard-specific and spatial-specific knowledge is as essential to the development of disaster management competency of local administrative staff as an understanding of law, regulations and lines of command. It also stresses the importance of community rela-tions and an operational network outside the organization.Lastly, Muhammad IQBAL, Dian Eka RAHMAWATI and Ulfianto Endro SAPUTRO provide us with a lesson learnt from 2Introductionbureaucratic reform in Indonesia. Their article argues that political commitment and civic leadership at both the national and regional government levels are necessary to the successful outcome of reform. It also proposes the idea of a digitized government process to increase transparency and public participation.