A workshop to support special issue of Asian Review on
“Political Ideologies in Southeast Asia”
by Institute of Asia Pacific Studies, University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus, Malaysia
in cooperation with Institute of Asian Studies
June 7, 2017
307 conference room, 3rd floor of Prajadhipok-Rambhai-Barni Building
Asian Review, the blind-peer reviewed journal of the Institute of Asian Studies at Chulalongkorn University, celebrates its 30th year of publication in 2017. From 2017, the journal will publish one thematic issue and one general issue. The Institute of Asian Studies (Chulalongkorn University) in partnership with the Institute of Asia Pacific Studies (University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus) invites submissions that explicitly engage with ideological analysis related to state-society relations, political contest and the construction of political power in a Southeast Asian setting. Papers that apply existing or new forms of ideological analysis to explore concrete expressions of the ideology in question are strongly encouraged. Some of the themes or issues we hope to explore include:
* the distinctive traditions of meaning surrounding key political concepts such as liberty, equality, the general interest, or security in particular political settings.
* the dissemination of explicit ideological forms and the role of public intellectuals, media or think-tanks play in the consolidation of particular ideological orientations.
* manifest ideological competition in parliamentary debates or other public forums.
* the social basis of distinctive ideologies or of ideological hybrids.
* unnamed ideological forms and their lifeworld.
* the impact of ideological currents on public policy.
* the morphology of liberalisms, conservatisms, feminisms, environmentalisms, fascisms or any other recognized ideology.
* the value or otherwise of thick ideological analysis in enhancing understanding of well-described political conflicts.
The purpose of this project is to organize a workshop that selected scholars will come to present their draft papers. After the revision of the papers, a special issue of Asian Review will be published.
Activity description
The Institute of Asian Studies (Chulalongkorn University) in cooperation with the Institute of Asia Pacific Studies (University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus) will call for papers under the theme of “Political ideologies in Southeast Asia”. Then we will arrange a workshop in Bangkok and invited selected scholars to present their draft papers. A second workshop may be held in Kuala Lumpur. Financial assistance to attend will be provided, but only airfares from within Southeast Asia may be funded. Publication will be subject to blind review. Depending on the number of papers received, an edited monograph may also be published.
Expected outcome
A special issue of Asian Review Journal Vol. 30, No.2 2017 on “Political ideologies in Southeast Asia”
Program 7th June
Speaker Topic Discussant 8.45 am IAS Welcome
9.00 Dr Stephen Miller Gadjah Mada University.
Is "Islamofascism" even a thing? The case of the Indonesian Islamic Defenders' Front (Front Pembela Islam, FPI)
Dr. Achmad Uzair Fauzan
9.40 Dr. Achmad Uzair Fauzan State Islamic University of Sunan
After Ahok: Reassessing the
Alignment of Political Islam in Indonesia
Stephen Miller
10.20 Coffee Break
10.30 Kisho Tsuchiya PhD Student, National University of Singapore
Diversity vs.Separatism: A Historical Comparison of Portuguese and Indonesian "Native" Policy in East Timor
Michael Connors
11.10 Ahmad Rizky Mardhatillah Umar, Director
ASEAN Studies Center, Univesitas Gadjah Mada
The Bandung Ideology: Decolonial Thought, Internationalism, and Indonesia's Foreign Policy (1945-1965)
M Rizal Abdi
11.50 M Rizal Abdi Center for Religious and Cross-cultural
Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Local pilgrimages in Indonesia
Sumit Mandal via Skype
12.30 Lunch
1.30 Michael Connors Visiting fellow, IAS University of Nottingham, Malaysia
IAS academic seminar Understanding Liberal response to a coup d’etat.
2.30 Coffee
2.40 Professor Trevor Parfitt University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus
Prospects for a Liberal Developmentalism in Asia Robert Farnan
3.20 Dr. Robert Farnan Social Science and Development, Chiang Mai
Ideology of Resilience, as manifest in Thailand, through the Relationship between Urban Climate Change Security and the Neoliberal Subject
Trevor Parfitt
4.00 Pranoto Iskandar, Institute of Migrant Rights, Indonesia (SKYPE)
Post-Colonial State Identity Kisho Tsuchiya